doi: 10.4489/KJM.2015.43.1.20 BibTeX RIS Mendeley

Diversity of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Roots of Cypripedium japonicum and C. macranthum in Korea

광릉요강꽃과 복주머니란의 뿌리에서 분리한 내생균의 다양성

  • Lee, Bong-Hyung (한국교원대학교 생물교육과)
  • Han, Han-Kyeol (한국교원대학교 생물교육과)
  • Kwon, Hye-Jin (국립수목원)
  • Eom, Ahn-Heum (한국교원대학교 생물교육과)


This study was conducted to investigate diversity of orchid endophytic fungi from roots of two terrestrial orchids, Cypripedium japonicum and Cypripedium macranthum in Korea. The endophytic fungi were identified using morphological and DNA sequences isolated from the roots. Totally, 11 taxa of the endophytic fungi were identified from the roots of C. japonicum and 15 taxa from C. macranthum. Three species of the fungi were common in both host species; Leptodontidium orchidicola, Humicola fuscoatra var. fuscoatra, Umbelopsis dimorpha. Six species of the fungal isolates were the first report in Korea; Oidiodendron echinulatum, Pseudogymnoascus roseus, Geomyces vinaceus, Cryptosporiopsis ericae, U. dimorpha, Chaetomium cupreum.

Publication Info.

The Korean Journal of Mycology / v.43, no.1, 2015, pp.20-25
Journal DOI
doi: 10.4489


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2015.03.02 SUBMITTED
2015.03.07 ACCEPTED
2015.03.07 REVISED
2015.03.31 PUBLISHED



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