준분포형 및 집중형 GR4J 수문모형을 활용한 순차자료동화 기반 유량 예측 특성 비교: 남강댐 유역 사례
Comparative assessment of sequential data assimilation-based streamflow predictions using semi-distributed and lumped GR4J hydrologic models: a case study of Namgang Dam basin
Lee,Garim(Researcher, Han River Environment Research Center, National Institute of Environmental Research, Yangpyeong, Korea),
Woo,Dong Kook(Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea),
Noh,Seong Jin(Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Korea)
이력 정보
2024.09.30 |
발행 |
2024.10.11 |
DOI 등록 |