이상기후대비 노후저수지 홍수 대응을 위한 사전방류 기술개발 및 평가
Development and assessment of pre-release discharge technology for response to flood on deteriorated reservoirs dealing with abnormal weather events
Moon,Soojin(CEO, AIMS, Hwaseong, Korea),
Jeong,Changsam(Professor, Department of Smart Construction and Disaster Management, Induk University, Seoul, Korea),
Choi,Byounghan(Principal Researcher, Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Community Corporation, Naju, Korea),
Kim,Seungwook(CEO, ASIN CNT, Siheung, Korea),
Jang,Daewon(Director of Research, Disaster Safety Institute, LIG System, Seoul, Korea)
이력 정보
2023.11.30 |
발행 |
2023.12.07 |
DOI 등록 |