doi: 10.23135/AN.2024.4.1.3

2023년 울릉군 연안바다목장 수산자원량 추정 연구

A Study on the Estimation of Fisheries Resources at Ullueng Coastal Marine Ranching Area in 2023

  • Kim,Geang Bok(East Sea branch Ecological restoration division, Korea Fisheries Resources Agency, Pohang 37602, Korea),
  • Choi,Sang Hack(Seamorning Engineering Co. Ltd., Seoul 06716, Korea),
  • Choi,Chang Geun(Department of Ecological Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea)

이력 정보

2024.06.30 발행
2025.01.14 DOI 등록