doi: 10.22776/KGS.2022.57.3.253

인구밀집 해안지역 천부지하 변형구조의 지형학적 특징 - 인도 동부해안 Mahanadi 삼각주를 사례로 -

Geomorphological Characterization of Shallow Sub-surface Deformation Structures along the Densely Populated Regions of Mahanadi Delta: East Coast of India

  • Chinmay Dash(Research Professor, Department of Geography Education, Korea University),
  • Yeong Bae Seong(Professor, Department of Geography Education, Korea University),
  • Pitambar Pati(Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee),
  • Narendra Patel(Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)

이력 정보

2022.06.30 발행
2022.07.19 DOI 등록