doi: 10.7850/JKSO.2018.23.4.192

한반도 동해 연안에 자생하는 말잘피, 새우말의 생장 특성

Growth Dynamics of the Surfgrass, Phyllospadix iwatensis on the Eastern Coast of Korea

  • KIM,JONG-HYEOB(해양생태기술연구소),
  • KIM,JAE HOON(해양생태기술연구소),
  • KIM,GU YEON(경남대학교 사범대학 과학교육과),
  • PARK,JUNG-IM(해양생태기술연구소)

피인용문헌(Cited by)

  • . "Effects of Light, Salinity and Temperature on Germination Characteristics of Surfgrass, Phyllospadix japonicus and P. iwatensis Seeds" Ocean science journal : OSJ, vol. 57(3), p.467-. 2022. doi:10.1007/s12601-022-00077-9
  • . "수온 상승에 따른 게바다말의 광합성 및 호흡률 변화" 환경생물, vol. 40(3), p.352-. 2022. doi:10.11626/KJEB.2022.40.3.352
  • . "Assessment of the establishment success of surfgrass Phyllospadix iwatensis from shoots in a leaf trimming method: implications for large-scale restoration" Frontiers in marine science, vol. 10 p.1165354-. 2023. doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1165354