doi: 10.7740/KJCS.2021.66.1.097

혐기소화발효액비의 벼 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향과 적정 시용량

Effect of Different Liquid Manure Anaerobic Digestates on the Growth and Yield of Rice and the Optimum Application Concentration

  • Byeon,Ji-Eun,
  • Lee,Hong-Ju,
  • Ryoo,Jong-Won,
  • Hwang,Sun-Goo

피인용문헌(Cited by)

  • . "Utilization of liquid pig manure as an alternative fertilizer in persimmon orchard" Acta horticulturae, vol. 1338 p.143-. 2022. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1338.21
  • . "반응표면분석법을 활용한 Pantoea agglomerans SRCM 119864의 Indole-3-acetic acid 생산 배지 최적화" 생명과학회지, vol. 32(11), p.872-. 2022. doi:10.5352/JLS.2022.32.11.872