충적 대수층에서 수막재배 시기와 수막재배 비시기의 지하수 수위와 수온 변동 특성 : 밀양시 상남들
Fluctuations of groundwater level and water temperature during the operation period of water curtain cultivation and the non-operation period of water curtain cultivation in an alluvial aquifer: Sangnam-deul, Miryang-si
Park,Kyoungdeok(Full-time Researcher, Institute of Environmental Geosciences, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea),
Kang,Donghwan(Full-time Researcher, Institute of Environmental Geosciences, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea),
Yang,Minjune(Associate Professor, Major of Environmental Geosciences, Division of Earth and Environmental System Sciences, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea),
Oh,Sebong(Deputy Department Head, Gyeongnam Regional Headquarter, Korea Rural Community Corporation, Changwon, Korea),
Oh,Jeheon(Assistant Manager, Gyeongbuk Regional Headquarter, Korea Rural Community Corporation, Daegu, Korea),
Jung,Yongje(Department Head, Gyeongnam Regional Headquarter, Korea Rural Community Corporation, Changwon, Korea)
피인용문헌(Cited by)