doi: 10.3741/JKWRA.2025.58.1.29

충적 대수층에서 수막재배 시기와 수막재배 비시기의 지하수 수위와 수온 변동 특성 : 밀양시 상남들

Fluctuations of groundwater level and water temperature during the operation period of water curtain cultivation and the non-operation period of water curtain cultivation in an alluvial aquifer: Sangnam-deul, Miryang-si

  • Park,Kyoungdeok(Full-time Researcher, Institute of Environmental Geosciences, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea),
  • Kang,Donghwan(Full-time Researcher, Institute of Environmental Geosciences, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea),
  • Yang,Minjune(Associate Professor, Major of Environmental Geosciences, Division of Earth and Environmental System Sciences, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea),
  • Oh,Sebong(Deputy Department Head, Gyeongnam Regional Headquarter, Korea Rural Community Corporation, Changwon, Korea),
  • Oh,Jeheon(Assistant Manager, Gyeongbuk Regional Headquarter, Korea Rural Community Corporation, Daegu, Korea),
  • Jung,Yongje(Department Head, Gyeongnam Regional Headquarter, Korea Rural Community Corporation, Changwon, Korea)

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