이상기후 대비 중소규모 저수지 비상대처계획 운영에 따른 효율적인 주민대피계획: 네트워크 분석을 통한 주민 대피결과를 바탕으로
Efficient resident evacuation plan for emergency response operations of small- and medium-sized reservoirs against extreme weather: based on the results of resident evacuation through network analysis
Choi,Byoung Han(Senior Researcher, Korea Rural Community Corporation's Rural Research Institute, Ansan, Korea),
Won,Dong Hyun(Responsible Researcher, Urban Spatial Environment Research Institute, MAPINUS, Seoul, Korea),
Hong,Jae Joo(Director, MAPINUS, Seoul, Korea),
Moon,Soo Jin(CEO, AIMS, Hwaseong, Korea)
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