doi: 10.3741/JKWRA.2024.57.12.1121

이상기후 대비 중소규모 저수지 비상대처계획 운영에 따른 효율적인 주민대피계획: 네트워크 분석을 통한 주민 대피결과를 바탕으로

Efficient resident evacuation plan for emergency response operations of small- and medium-sized reservoirs against extreme weather: based on the results of resident evacuation through network analysis

  • Choi,Byoung Han(Senior Researcher, Korea Rural Community Corporation's Rural Research Institute, Ansan, Korea),
  • Won,Dong Hyun(Responsible Researcher, Urban Spatial Environment Research Institute, MAPINUS, Seoul, Korea),
  • Hong,Jae Joo(Director, MAPINUS, Seoul, Korea),
  • Moon,Soo Jin(CEO, AIMS, Hwaseong, Korea)

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