국내육성 팝콘옥수수 팝핑부피 향상을 위한 적정 수확시기
Optimal Harvest Time of Domestic Maize to Maximize Popping Volume for Popcorn
Choi,Jae-Keun(Research Scientist, Maize Research Institute, Gangwon-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon 25160, Korea),
Ryu,Si-Hwan(Senior Research Scientist, Maize Research Institute, Gangwon-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon 25160, Korea),
Kim,Hee Yeon(Research Scientist, Maize Research Institute, Gangwon-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon 25160, Korea),
Kim,Moon-Jong(Research Scientist, Maize Research Institute, Gangwon-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon 25160, Korea),
Han,Jeong-Heon(Research Scientist, Maize Research Institute, Gangwon-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon 25160, Korea),
Wang,Seung Hyun(Research Scientist, Maize Research Institute, Gangwon-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon 25160, Korea),
Kim,Ki Sun(Senior Research Scientist, Maize Research Institute, Gangwon-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon 25160, Korea),
Sa,Kyu Jin(Research Professor, Agricultural and Life Sciences Research Institute, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Korea),
Lee,Ju Kyong(Professor, Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kangwon National Unversity, Chuncheon 24341, Korea)
피인용문헌(Cited by)