doi: 10.7744/KJOAS.20180007 BibTeX RIS Mendeley

Power analysis of electric transplanter by planting distances

  • Pa-Ul Lee (Department of Biosystems Machinery Engineering, Chungnam National University)
  • Jin-Hwan So (TYM R&D Center, Tong Yang Moolsan)
  • Yo-Sang Nam (TYM R&D Center, Tong Yang Moolsan)
  • Chang-Hyun Choi (Department. of Bio-mechatronic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Hyun-Seok Noh (HAN'A ESSE Co., Ltd)
  • Jong-Yeal Shim (Agri. Machinery Certification Team, Foundation of Agri. Tech. Commercialization & Transfer)
  • Soon-Jung Hong (Smart Farming Education Team, Rural Human Resource Development Center)


Electric drive technology is continually advanced to improve fuel efficiency in the automobile industry. It could improve the fuel efficiency of automobiles by 50% as well as agricultural machinery. The purpose of this study was to measure and analyze the power and current of an electric transplanter based on the planting distances during field operations. The electric transplanter was constructed by mounting the major components of a motor drive system onto a transplanter. The electric transplanter had a 3 kW motor power, and the major components included an inverter, battery, and a battery management system (BMS). The field tests were conducted by travelling at two speeds (300 and 760 mm/s) and by planting at three distances (260, 420 and 630 mm) with the working speed (300 mm/s), during travelling and transplanting. The results showed that the required power increased when the travelling speed was fast. One-way ANOVA for the planting distance and Duncan's multiple range test at a significance level of 0.05 were used to analyze the motor power using statistical analysis software. In addition, the required power increased when the planting distances were short at every working condition. The results of this study would provide useful information for the development an electric transplanter.

Publication Info.

농업과학연구 / v.45, no.2, 2018, pp.290-297
Institute of Agricultural Science, Chungnam National University
Journal DOI
doi: 10.7744


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2017.09.14 SUBMITTED
2017.11.21 REVISED
2018.02.14 ACCEPTED
2018.06.30 PUBLISHED


  • 농림축산식품부 후원


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