doi: 10.7744/KJOAS.20170021 BibTeX RIS Mendeley

Evaluation of an Official Development Assistance (ODA) project: Focus on a forest recreation and eco-tourism site in Indonesia

  • Choi, Jaeyong (Department of Environment & Forest Resources, Chungnam National University)
  • Lee, Sang-Hyuk (Institute of Agricultural Science, Chungnam National University)
  • Hwang, Byeol (Department of Environment & Forest Resources, Chungnam National University)


This study is the evaluation of the 'Tunak forest recreation and ecotourism development project' which will be completed in 2018 with sole source of funding from Korea. A survey was conducted to evaluate the status of the project being carried out in Lombok island, Indonesia, through the evaluation principles and criteria of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Survey participants were stakeholders of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) project and local residents. Overall, the respondents had a good impression of this ODA project and expected they would contribute to the development of their community and region. However, respondents were not well aware of the ODA project being carried out in the Tunak region and thus more efforts should be made to help the local residents understand the positive outcome of the project and to promote the ongoing cooperation between Korea and Indonesia in the forestry sector. Results of this study showed that the projects have been effectively carried out and the impact of the project was well perceived by the recipient country. In addition, this positive perception of Korea is expected to help recreation and ecotourism business progress in the region. Therefore, we believe that the project should continue to be carried-out in the future and we expect that related companies will be able to operate on its own eventually. As it is difficult to evaluate the outcome of an ongoing project precisely, this study should be conducted again after the project completion and the results can be compared to the present results so that the effectiveness of ODA project can be more accurately determined.

Publication Info.

농업과학연구 / v.44, no.2, 2017, pp.221-227
Institute of Agricultural Science, Chungnam National University
Journal DOI
doi: 10.7744


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2017.06.30 Published.
2021.05.10 DOI published.


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